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Higher Education in Zimbabwe: Shifting with new thrusts and dynamics - 3 Oct, 2019

Professor Charles Muchemwa Nherera

Higher Education in Zimbabwe has expanded phenomenally since the attainment of political independence in 1980. Most of the growth took place from the mid-1990’s, during the period when the World Bank and international development agents were advocating for basic and primary education rather than higher education.

Implementing the 2030 Agenda at Higher Education Institutions - Open Session, 4 October in Barcelona

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We are pleased to invite you to the II Open Debate with the GUNi expert group on SDGs and Higher Education and the presentation of its second publication "Implementing SDGs at Higher Education Institutions: Challenges and Responses" on the 4th October 2019 in Barcelona (Sala Verdaguer, Ateneu Barcelonès - Carrer de la Canuda, 6 - Barcelona).

1st International Adult Literacy Learners and Tutors’ Conference in Kampala - 6-8 November, 2019

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This international conference will bring together adult learners, tutors, delegates and participants from the different UNESCO member states around the world, along strategic partners in achievement of SDG 4 target 6 and 7. The theme of the conference is “enhancing the participation of literacy learners and tutors in literacy and lifelong learning”.

CR&DALL Themes: 

Digital Society and Higher Education: Impact and Consequences for Policy - HER 16

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Dr Muir Houston, Depute Director of CR&DALL, recently attended the 16th International Higher Education Reform (HER) Conference: Digital Society and Higher Education in Mexico City between the 11th and 13th September, 2019. The conference featured a mix of Keynotes, Plenary Panels, and Parallel Paper sessions. Dr Houston's report follows:

CR&DALL Themes: 

Implementing a holistic approach to lifelong learning

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This Cedefop briefing paper - Implementing a holistic approach to lifelong learning: Community Lifelong Learning Centres as a gateway to multidisciplinary support teams - aims to inform European Institutions as well as national policy and decision makers on the issue of integrated and holistic approach to lifelong learning. It also share a few recommendations on ways to establish lifelong learning systems at local, regional and national level.
