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Call for papers: The Smart City and Impacts of the Internet on Education - 20-22 Jan, 2020, Nagoya, Japan

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The ISLLLE (International Symposium on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Education) 2020 conference will take place January 20-22, 2020 in Nagoya, Japan. The conference theme this year is: The Smart City and Impacts of the Internet on Education. Paper Submission Deadline is Oct. 23, 2019.

AEQ Editors meet at AAACE in St Louis

From left to right: Daniel Parker, Professor Ellen Boeren, Dr Liz Roumell and Dr Kevin Roessger; click to enlarge...

Since June 2019, Professor Ellen Boeren has been one of three editors of Adult Education Quarterly (AEQ). The other two editors are Dr Liz Roumell from Texas A&M and Dr Kevin Roessger from the Univerity of Arkansas. The team is being supported by administrator Daniel Parker – a doctoral student at Arkansas – and book editor John Holst from Penn State University. AEQ is a longstanding internationally peer-reviewed journal in the field of adult education. The journal accepts empirical and theoretical contributions to the field of adult and continuing education in its broadest sense. AEQ is published by SAGE and the current issue, together with archived issues, can be found online.

Spotlight on American-style Adult Education: The 68th Annual AAACE Conference - Adult education for human rights, economic empowerment, and environmental sustainability

The 68th Annual AAACE Conference

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The 68th AAACE annual Conference of the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education’s (AAACE) was this year held in St Louis, 8-11 October, focussing on the themes of human rights, empowerment and environmental sustainability.

CR&DALL Themes: 

4th European Vocational Skills Week 14-18 October 2019 Helsinki

The 4th European Vocational Skills Week takes place during the 14-18 October 2019 throughout Europe. At the time of writing, there are 1138 events taking place in 45 countries. A very informative interactive map is provided on the European Commission's dedicated Vocational Skills Week web space (click the image below).

CR&DALL Themes: 
