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The Centenary Commission on Adult Education, "A Permanent National Necessity.."

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The Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL) very much welcomes the publication of this report [featured below]. The Centenary Commission has taken the opportunity offered by the anniversary of the publication of the iconic '1919 Report' on adult education* to produce its own report on the state and possible prospects for lifelong learning in the twenty-first century. Furthermore, it shares with the original, produced at the end of the Great War, a sense of national crisis and real urgency.

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REGISTER NOW: Guest Lecture with Josef Konvitz - The Future of Sustainable Neighbourhoods, 20 Nov 2019, Glasgow

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The Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods (SHLC) is very pleased to be welcoming Honorary Professor at the University of Glasgow and the former Head of Urban Affairs and Regulatory Policy Divisions at the OECD, Josef Konvitz, to present a guest lecture on 20 November entitled The Future of Sustainable Neighbourhoods.

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