We are pleased to welcome Professor John Field Visiting Professor in Lifelong Learning, who will be delivering his professorial inaugural lecture. The idea of the learning region has become an important part of the debate over education and its contribution to competitiveness and inclusion.
In The Paula Principle Professor Tom Schuller will explore how and why women work below their level of competence. Professor Schuller's basic argument is that women at all levels are under-rewarded in career and pay, and that this is especially important given that women are increasingly outpacing men when it comes to qualifications and learning generally. So there is a straightforward case for greater fairness and efficiency.
We are delighted to invite you to the third in a series of professional learning sessions on Learning for Democracy aimed at community learning and development (CLD) practitioners from across the public, voluntary and community sectors. This follows on from two very positive sessions held last year which addressed the role of community education in political education (Edinburgh) and the issue of political inequality and its implications (Glasgow).
We don't know about you but we're still on a high from celebrating inspiring women in ACE during International Women's Day and we've included a selection for you in this week's round up. We've also included stories about language learning, new VET research, upcoming government reviews and more.
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