RELA: Call for papers on citizenship, adult education and the crisis of democracy


Please find featured below and attached a call for papers for a RELA thematic issu entitled: Citizenship and the Crisis of Democracy: What Role Can Adult Education Play in Matters of Public Concern?

Deadline for submission is October 1, 2017.

More information available at as well as attached to this e-mail.

Please distribute through your networks.

Best wishes


Andreas Fejes 
Professor and Chair of Adult Education Research (Vuxenpedagogik)
Prodean for research and doctoral studies, Faculty of Educational Sciences
Editor of the European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults (RELA) -

Follow me on twitter @AndreasFejes


Linköpings universitet

Department of Behavioural Sciences and learning
581 83 Linköping

Phone: +46 13 28 21 36
Visiting adress: House D, Campus Valla
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