Welcome to this week's adult and community education news featuring stories about Centrelink's latest debt collection strategy, the continuing crackdown on unscrupulous training providers, and ways rural communities are welcoming refugees.
Please see featured below and attached the second call for papers for the UALL Work and Learning Network 2017 Annual Conference, taking place at Middlesex University, Friday 23 June 2017. The conference will draw on a number of interesting themes.
We are delighted to share with you, hot off the press, details the new book Forging Solidarity: Popular Education at Work. The editors, Astrid von Kotze and Shirley Walters, hope that this is a timely intervention to help strengthen our collective work all over the world, where democratic spaces are shrinking and the ‘fight back’ is occurring.
The UALL International Network is seeking to support those who wish to encourage the internationalization agenda in lifelong learning. We are seeking, for example, to provide support with the internationalization of the curriculum (including what that means in various LL/CE areas); ways of widening access to students from different cultural backgrounds; approaches to increasing international enrolments in LL/CE; sharing of best practice, developing international partnerships and promoting research and development at international level.
Please find featured below and attached a very interesting Synthesis Report on the State of Community Learning Centres in Six Asian Countries: Bangladesh, Indonesia, Mongolia, Republic of Korea, Thailand and Vietnam.
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