Jacky Brewer, Scholarship Development Manager, East Surrey College
The triad of colleges in this current trial and test are at different stages of the spectrum regarding peer observation. College A has a collaborative, well developed and profound peer observation process where staff receive considerable professional development prior to each observation cycle which started four years ago. Initially they began with a shared process of the observee identifying what they would like the observer to comment on and encourages reflection in the process. It is a non-judgemental, mutual exchange between peers and because it involves research, professional development and reflection throughout the process, it is a scholarly activity. During subsequent years, with substantial professional development before each observation cycle, College A now use a thematic approach which covers identified developmental needs of staff (e.g. teaching research skills, questioning techniques).
The two other colleges do not use a peer observation process and staff are subject to the evaluative FE performance related model of observation which is undertaken by senior staff or management. College B's staff are subject to grading whereas HE staff in College C have the same observation model but are not graded. While HE staff in both Colleges (B & C) would like to undertake peer observation, College C are currently receiving outside support and have deferred from joining this strategy at this stage.
Recently staff at College B worked together to create a peer observation process that moved away from the expected tick box and judgement culture. Workshops supported development of a collaborative model and adapting the process from College A. Reading relevant literature and their own experiences in other institutes have helped towards the development of a new programme. A pilot group is currently going through the initial cycle of peer observation using College A’s model.
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