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GRAMNet and CR&DALL joint seminar: Language Education with and for migrants and refugees in Greece

Dr. Roula Kitsiou (University of Thessaly, Greece

Dr. Roula Kitsiou (University of Thessaly, Greece)
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Due to extended migration, especially since 2015, Greek society is facing new challenges arising from the different social and educational needs of heterogeneous groups with migration or refugee experiences. In this presentation, Dr Kitsiou will focus on (second) language teaching as a critical and creative way that can provide opportunities for intercultural dialogue, linguistic justice, socialisation, empowerment and subjective well-being for all stakeholders involved.

CR&DALL Themes: 

New issue of CONVERGENCE is out

New issue of CONVERGENCE is out

New issue of CONVERGENCE is out

One should applaud the University of Malta UNESCO Chair on Global Adult Education and the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE) that they took up the initiative to bring CONVERGENCE - AN INTERNATIONAL ADULT EDUCATION JOURNAL back to life in 2022. It had been published ever since the late 1960s, and stopped for about a decade.

CR&DALL Themes: 

Commonwealth Consortium for Education Calendar 2023

Commonwealth Consortium for Education Calendar 2023

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The Commonwealth Consortium for Education (CCfE) was established by a group of Commonwealth NGOs, to coordinate their efforts on behalf of Commonwealth education, to stimulate more coherence in their work and to provide a collective mechanism for interaction with ministries and official Commonwealth organisations. Featured below and attached is their calendar for 2023.
