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Community Insights in Health & Education in Africa after COVID 19: Policy briefs and documentary launch event

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The dominant discourses during the COVID-19 pandemic have mostly been generated in the Global North, by a minority of wealthy and powerful authors, reflecting narrowly on a crisis that, while impacting the whole world, was experienced in vastly different ways. This event is part of a wider project to shift the narratives. It reflects the responses to COVID-19 in vulnerable and underrepresented communities across sub-Saharan Africa.

UNESCO UIL and SFG Network present: ‘Pluriversal Literacies for Sustainable and Equitable Education’

UNESCO UIL and SFG Network present: ‘Pluriversal Literacies for Sustainable and Equitable Education’

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In the current context of increasing environmental vulnerability, persistent economic inequity and social fragmentation, education policy-makers and practitioners, youth leaders and sustainability activists are calling for new ways to equip learners with the skills they need to prosper in a volatile world.
