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Taking Flight - Faculty/Staff Development & Appreciative Inquiry: Cross-continental Learnings

Professor Michele Parker

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Professor Parker will be sharing her recent book 'Taking Flight: Making Your Center for Teaching and Learning Soar', emerging from her work in the Center for Teaching Excellence and Faculty Leadership, at UNC-Wilmington.

Michele's work centres around transforming departmental culture, such as 'Empowering a department through Appreciative Inquiry', and will include her recent cross-continental work on course design between Ethiopia and the USA.

Please join us if you are interested in school leadership at any level, as well as in learning more about appreciative inquiry approaches to staff development in different cultural contexts.

CR&DALL Themes: 

Adult Education in the Midst of Crises - ESREA network ‘Between Global and Local. Adult learning and Communities’

Adult Education in the Midst of Crises

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It has been more than 10 years since the ESREA Between Global and Local – Adult Learning and Communities network congress was held in Istanbul. Since then, the world has been struggling with a number of adversities affecting almost every aspect of life.

Coalition of leaders call for equitable access to quality adult education and training

Coalition of leaders call for equitable access to quality adult education and training

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ALA and partners WAVE, ACED and the RMIT European Centre for Education are committed to advancing equitable access to quality adult education and urge Australian Governments to transform education and training systems to ensure that all individuals, communities, and businesses can participate equally and achieve the outcomes necessary to enjoy a sustainable emerging future.

CR&DALL Themes: 

Systems Perspectives in Complex Urban Society - The Urban Lens Newsletter Mar 7, 2023

Systems Perspectives in Complex Urban Society - The Urban Lens Newsletter

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As the 2024 Presidential campaigns begin to emerge in the U.S. it’s tempting to fall into familiar habits of oversimplifying the challenges we face to make it easier to pick a side.  And, of course, that’s just what every campaign wants us to do.  The truth, however, is that the binary choices on the ballot represent very complex mixtures of factions, powerbases, interests, aspirations, and preferences for how we want our government to understand and to address the increasingly complex problems America faces in the world.
