Welcome to the July 2016 issue of the Scholarship Project newsletter including latest news and updates - aiming to support the development and embedding of a distinct scholarly ethos in the college HE sector.
The concept of intersectionality emerged in the 1980s and has its origins in feminist theory and anti-racist theory and has since gained in popularity. The term was first coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw (1989). For black feminists such as Crenshaw feminism and feminist theory did not relate to the experiences of black women as it reflected only the lives of white women.
The OECD's Education Policy Committee launched new work to help countries enhance the performance of their higher education systems. This work will strengthen the comparative evidence base on higher education, enabling the analysis of higher education system performance and the identification of effective strategies to enhance performance.
Governing Education in a Complex World, just published by CERI/OECD (April 2016), addresses key challenges involved in governing modern education systems, looking specifically at complexity, accountability, capacity building and strategic thinking. The publication brings together research from the OECD Secretariat and chapters from international scholars to provide a state of the art analysis on some of the most challenging issues facing educational systems today.
In the framework of the conference A Hope For Europe! cultures, cities and New Narratives, a study was commissioned by the EESC, upon the request of the Various Interests' Group.
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