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Upskilling, re-skilling and employing refugees | Cedefop

Upskilling, re-skiling and employing refugees is a one day experts’ forum which is co-organised by Cedefop and OECD and will take place on Monday, 3 October 2016 in Rome. The forum will examine the role of VET and VET-related skill development strategies as part of pre-arrival (transition countries) and national solutions (host countries) aimed at early labour market integration of the current wave of adult people in clear need of international protection.

PASCAL 2016 Conference report: Inclusion strand – providing lifelong learning opportunities for all

The leaders of the five strands of the PASCAL Glasgow Conference monitored the developments at the Conference in their strand. Dr Judith Jenson, the leader of the Inclusion strand has written the attached overview of the Inclusion strand. This strand attracted considerable attention at the conference and confirmed that much remains to be done in combating exclusion and achieving a situation where learning cities are inclusive of all residents in the city.

CR&DALL Themes: 

Digitalisation in university continuing education - eucen Autumn Seminar

This year’s theme for the eucen Autumn Seminar will focus on digitalisation in university continuing education, understood as the increased use of new media in the context of lifelong learning. The Seminar will tackle the main challenges of the process of digitalisation of University Continuing Education programmes, exchange methods and practices on this process and feed our practice via research perspectives and results.

The Getting Of Wisdom - Learning In Later Life

Learning in later life is a relatively new and exciting field of research, and becoming increasingly relevant internationally. The two nations hosting the European exchange, (Australia and New Zealand/Aotearoa), have only relatively recently begun to acknowledge, celebrate and learn from their rich, diverse and vibrant Indigenous and European ways of being and knowing after centuries of veryrecent and often painful colonisation.
