We kindly invite you to participate at the international conference 'Perspectives on Community Practices – Living and Learning in Community' that will be held from 18th to 20th of June 2015 in Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts.
Conference participants will address and discuss the following subtopics:
A professional development opportunity for voluntary sector practitioners from Learning Link Scotland and the CLD Standards Council for Scotland.
This one day seminar on adult education in Scotland will look at how we, as a profession, can use the Code of Ethics for CLD to support our work with individuals and communities to influence, shape and co-produce services.
We want your feedback on a new proposal for post-2015 global education indicators prepared by the Technical Advisory Group (TAG), which includes experts from the EFA Global Monitoring Report, the OECD, UNESCO, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), UNICEF and the World Bank.
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