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Lifelong Education for Sustainable Development - Tuesday 28 October

For decades, international and national organisations have understood that lifelong learning is integral to enabling citizens to participate fully in civic and economic affairs. Yet there continues in all parts of the world to be little serious commitment to comprehensive policies for the implementation of lifelong learning. This is an important time to rethink how the policy agenda might be addressed as key international organisations debate the Sustainable Development Goals to replace the Millennium Development Goals which expire in 2015. 

UALL 2015 Annual Conference - Update and Registration Form

The Annual Conference is the high point of the UALL year, and we are pleased that our 2015 Conference will be held at the University of Strathclyde between Wednesday, 11 and Friday, 13 March.  Details of the Conference and Registration Form are attached.

The theme of Making the Lifelong Learning University of Reality, has strands addressing the context of adult learning, adult and professional learning, and learning communities.  The Conference will combine plenary and workshop sessions, and proposals are invited for papers and poster sessions.
