We are pleased to announce a new collaborative project involving EU partners and a number of Russian universities, to support higher education modernisation in Russia, and the development of HEIs as lifelong learning centres. The project is being led at the University of Bologna, and at the University of Glasgow, the Principal Investigator is Dr Stephen McKinney, Head of the Research and Teaching Group in Creativity, Culture and Faith.
This collection focuses on employer engagement in education, how it is delivered and the differentiated impact it has on young people in their progression through schooling and higher education into the labour market.
Professor Mike Osborne, Director of CR&DALL and Co-Director of PASCAL, visited the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) in Toowoomba, Australia on 13 May. During his visit he spoke to university staff and community representatives about the GUNi Report Higher Education in the World Report 5: Knowledge, Engagement and Higher Education: Contributing to Social Change and took the opportunity to launch this report in Australia.
The first issue of Cedefop’s new magazine is out! Skillset and Match is packed with exclusive interviews, guest messages, features, news from EU Member States and information on new publications. The magazine aspires to reach a wide spectrum of people, from policy-makers in the public and private sectors to employers, employee representatives, teachers, students and parents.
After a 14 month cross-sectoral consultation process, Scottish Cabinet Secretary Mike Russell officially launched a Statement of Ambition for Adult Learning in Scotland. Ambitious in scope and vision, it proposes that 'adult learning in Scotland will be recognised by all as a central element of personal and community empowerment' (p.6). Adult learning is framed as lifelong, lifewide and learner-centred, and the three stated ambitions are:
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