News & Events Archive - News & Events

Reporting findings from the ESRC project Higher Education in Scotland, the Devolution Settlement and the Referendum on Independence

We would like to invite you to join us at a special event to explore the findings of the ESRC project Higher Education in Scotland, the Devolution Settlement and the Referendum on Independence, part of the ESRC Future of the UK and Scotland programme, to be held at the University of Edinburgh on 24th June between 2:00 and 4:30pm.

The seminar will present the findings from the three strands of the project and will provide a chance for further discussion of the implications for the future of higher education in Scotland.

ASEM LLL Hub 'Policy Briefs' May 2014

The objective with Policy Briefs is to deliver research-informed analysis and recommendations on new policies for the benefit of ASEM members, governments and stakeholders. With this newsletter we will update our readers when new policy briefs on policies of lifelong learning are issued on our website.

Policy Briefs are designed by the ASEM LLL Hub members on the basis of their research and based on national or international policies in lifelong learning.

In this third issue you will be able to read a Policy Brief titled:
