News & Events Archive - News & Events

How to engage employers: A multi-stakeholder perspective - Friday 20th September, London

We would like to invite you to a one day conference, organised by the Employer Engagement Network, for all those involved in employer-university engagement, including:

  • Workforce development and CPD
  • Graduate recruitment and employability
  • Knowledge Exchange

As we all know, finding creative and effective ways of developing meaningful and sustainable relationships with employers is more important than ever.  Developing strategic relationships across a range of university services is an increasingly efficient way of gaining maximum benefit.

Opportunities and challenges for ECVET, the vocational credit transfer system - Cedefop Press Release

Cedefop has just published its July briefing note ‘Opportunities and challenges for ECVET, the vocational credit transfer system’. Cedefop’s monitoring report shows that most countries see the European credit system for vocational education and training (ECVET) as an instrument to enable cross-border mobility of vocational students. Hundreds of transnational pilot projects are in place, largely funded by the EU.  

Call for Final Conference of the INSTALL project - Naples 20th-21st March 2014

We are pleased to invite you in the Final Conference of the INSTALL  project taking place in Naples, Italy on 20th-21st March 2014.

INSTALL (INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS TO ACQUIRE LEARNING TO LEARN) is an  Erasmus European project aimed at preventing the university drop-out  by promoting the reflective competences in underachiever students.

You will find the relative call for paper in attachment.

Please visit the website for further information.
