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Call for papers for RELA

Please find attached the two current call for papers for RELA. One for open papers with deadline anytime, and one for papers on the theme "Migration and the education and learning of adults" with submission deadline October 15. 

Best wishes

Andreas Fejes

Professor and chair of adult education research (Vuxenpedagogik)
Pro-Dean for research and doctoral studies, faculty of educational sciences, Linköping University
Editor of the European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults (RELA)


Rights advice centres: a practical guide to providing legal advice and information services in Malawi


Throughout the world, but particularly in developing countries, poor people do not have access to legal information and advice and therefore lack access to justice. While the rich buy the services of a lawyer, the poor cannot. This booklet describes a project of the Active Learning Centre, which is hosted by CR&DALL that has established rights advice and information centres in two areas in Malawi, Mangochi and Dedza and is piloting ways of delivering outreach services in rural areas.
