How to engage employers: A multi-stakeholder perspective - Friday 20th September, London

Employer Engagement Network
Friends House
173 Euston Road
London NW1 2BJ
United Kingdom
Friday, 20 September, 2013 - 00:00

We would like to invite you to a one day conference, organised by the Employer Engagement Network, for all those involved in employer-university engagement, including:

  • Workforce development and CPD
  • Graduate recruitment and employability
  • Knowledge Exchange

As we all know, finding creative and effective ways of developing meaningful and sustainable relationships with employers is more important than ever.  Developing strategic relationships across a range of university services is an increasingly efficient way of gaining maximum benefit.

This one day event will include speakers offering a range of perspectives to help you to develop your employer engagement strategy and your own skills as a business engagement practitioner, including:

  • Bob Athwal, Director of Careers Service, University of Leicester  and formerly HR Business Partner and Head of Graduate Schemes, npower.
  • Anne Morrison, Director, BBC Academy.  The BBC Academy is the BBC's centre for training. It houses the Colleges of Journalism, Production, Leadership and the Centre of Technology and its portfolio includes face to face courses, online resources and development initiatives. As well as training BBC staff, the Academy works with the wider broadcasting industry on a commercial basis and also shares some resources for free.
  • Aaron Porter, Director, External Affairs, NCUB will provide an overview of the work of NCUB and how it can help you in your work.
  • Marc Dobson and Bob Bell, JISC who will deliver a hands-on session on the new interactive CPD tool developed by JISC and AURIL to help you plan your own professional development and keep your skills fresh.

Please see the full programme featured below and attached and we very much hope that you can join us.

To register please complete the attached booking form and return to Nicola Sorsby at [email protected].  If you have any queries please contact Elain Crewe at: [email protected] or telephone: 0116 252 5978.

With best wishes,


Lucy A Bate MSc
Universities Association for Lifelong Learning


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PDF icon UALL_EE2.pdf401.12 KB
Microsoft Office document icon Booking_Form_CPD_Seminar.doc97.5 KB
