News & Events Archive - News & Events

Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning Journal - UALL 2012 Published Conference Papers

We are delighted to announce that a selection of the 2012 Conference papers has now been published in a special issue of Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, Volume 3, Issue 2

Please see below for details and contents of this publication.

With best wishes


The following journal articles have been published recently:

Second call for papers - 2013 European Research Conference of the network of Access, Learning Careers and Identities

The ESREA network Access, Learning Careers and Identities Network will have a conference at Linköping University, Sweden, the 28-30 of November, 2013. The dead line for abstracts for papers, poster sessions, symposiums and round tables are extended until 31 July, 2013. For more information about the conference visit

All the best,


Co-operative Education Against the Crises

ESRI and the Co-operative College are co-hosting an event that will bring together academics and practitioners to explore and develop the potential of the Co-operative school movement.

The day will feature keynote presentations from world-renowned critical educational scholar Prof. Mike Apple (University of Madison-Wisconsin) and Mervyn Wilson (Principal, Co-operative College), workshops from a range of Co‑operative educational providers, and discussions focused on the practical tasks for supporting the emergence of the Co-operative school movement.

Higher Education in Scotland, the Devolution Settlement and the Referendum on Independence

Please find attached event materials from the first think tank of the ESRC Fellowship project "Higher Education in Scotland, the Devolution Settlement and the Referendum on Independence." at the University of Edinburgh held on 23 May 2013.  You may also download the PDF versions from this link:
