News & Events Archive - News & Events

Cedefop conference - Renewing vocational education and training to tackle skill mismatch: work-based learning and apprenticeship for all?

A video invitation from Mr Christian Lettmayr, Acting Director of Cedefop, as well as all the necessary information about the conference (including online registration and hotel booking) are available from this link.

For any further information you might need, please contact [email protected]


With kind regards,

The conference team


Be Knowledgiastic* - GUNi Conference April 13-15, Barcelona

The final programme for the GUNi conference is exciting - A wonderful range of best practices from around the world will be showcased.  World leaders in Engagement and Higher Education will be there.  Leaders of all the major global networks in community university engagement. Funders and Senior policy makers at national and international level will be there.

Make sure that you are there as well!

Hoping to see you,

Call for papers - Civic and Community Edition AISHE-J

We write to you as editors of the Spring 2014 edition of the All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (AISHE-J).  Given the growing interest in civic and community engagement in higher education, it was decided to devote the Spring 2014 edition of the Journal to this topic. To this end, we invite submissions on the topic of community and civic engagement in the form of research papers, reflections, book reviews, letters and reports. Submissions about support for staff and/or student engagement will be considered.
