Seminar: Changing Inequalities and Access to a Differentiated Higher Education System

Nuffield Foundation/CES
Godfrey Thomson Hall, Thomson's Land, Holyrood Campus
Centre for Educational Sociology, University of Edinburgh
United Kingdom
Friday, 14 June, 2013 - 14:00
The seminar will present the findings of a study of changing patterns of application and entry to higher education. Through analysing UCAS data, the researchers have investigated changes in the characteristics of applicants to HE between 1996 and 2010, and the ways in which universities have become more differentiated. The study compared England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland over the first full decade since devolution, and examined trends in cross-border movements. The seminar will provide an opportunity for researchers, policy-makers and practitioners to discuss the findings and their implications for policy and practice. The study has been funded by the Nuffield Foundation and is conducted by Professor David Raffe and Dr Linda Croxford at the University of Edinburgh. Seminar Title: Changing Inequalities and Access to a Differentiated Higher Education System By: David Raffe and Linda Croxford (CES) plus colleagues On: Friday 14 June, 14:00 - 17:00 Rm: Godfrey Thomson Hall, Thomson's Land, Holyrood Campus There is no charge for attending this seminar. To reserve a place or to request further details please contact Carolyn Newton. bridge media | Altra Timp 3 Review , Best Trail Running Shoes 2021

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