News & Events Archive - News & Events

Global Report on Adult Learning and Education - 15 May 2013

In this research seminar, Arne Carlsen will present the Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE I),  the first report of its kind. GRALE I draws on 154 national reports which were submitted by UNESCO member states to the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), on the state of adult learning and education. He will also comment on GRALE II, which is expected to be published in the coming months, and which will report on progress in the field of adult education since 2009.

Call for Proposals - ESREA Research Network on Adult Educators, Trainers and their Professional Development (ReNAdET)

I am glad to announce the call for proposals for the third meeting of the ESREA research network on “Adult Educators, Trainers and their Professional Development” (ReNAdET) that will take place in Bonn 1-3 November 2013. More information is available at:  or on

Learner Journeys - Origins, Experiences and Destinations - FACE 2013

This is a personal invitation to be part of a very special conference: The FACE Annual Conference which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year is being hosted by Plymouth University, 3 - 5 July.

The Conference title for this unique event is "Learner Journeys - Origins, Experiences and Destinations". This title captures and reflects the longstanding concern and interest of FACE members and their institutions in putting learners at the heart of higher education. At a time of enormous change in the landscape of access and widening participation this conference will provide an ideal opportunity, through both the plenary and workshop sessions, to explore and respond to these key changes.
