Professor Elaydi will outline the specific conditions of Gaza, which are unique. Gaza is already a learning society with a range of formal provision in family and kindergarten projects, NGOs, schools and universities. Informal provision includes unions, religious institutions and local government learning centers. Yet the learning resources are grossly over stretched. Gaza has a dense population and few natural resources, outside of the people of Gaza who attend 27 institutions of Higher Education.
Please find below an invitation and call for proposals for for activities within the programme of the 1st World Access Congress in Montreal from 7-10 October 2013. The conference is organised in stands, including one on the theme of Learning labs Linking social and economic development to access strategies in cities and regions that is co-organised by Pascal and colleagues at George Brown University.
Details of this and other strands, and the requirements for proposals are also attached below.
We are pleased to announce Cedefop's latest Briefing Note “Quality: a requirement for generating trust in qualifications” for you to download in your preferred language (Spanish, German, Greek, English, French, Italian, Polish and Portuguese) and format (Pdf or eBook optimised for tablets and smartphones). [The English PDF version is featured below]
Please find below direct links to our three previous Briefing Notes:
In many regions, professionalisation in adult and continuing education is brought into the focus of educational policy. The professionalisation approaches and strategies are diverse and vary due to the corresponding key actors and cooperations, national cultures and historical particularities.
This fully refereed, electronic journal provides established and emerging scholars and practitioners, social movements and profesionals a space for critical and empirical analysis, like that elaborating proposal of issues central educational policies, curriculum reform, cultural and political actions, alternatives activities and pedagogy.
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