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Research Seminar: Change management in Universities - The Case of Finland

Presenters: Professor Jari Stenvall,  University of Lapland

Professor Risto Harisalo, , University of Tampere

Sanna Tuurnas, Researcher, University of Tampere


Venue:  Seminar Room GH742,

Centre for Lifelong Learning, Level 7, Graham Hills Building, 40 George St

University of Strathclyde, Glasgow


Implementation of New Learning Methods in Hawler Medical University (HMU) College of Medicine

This seminar, presented by  Dr Sherwan Rahman Shal, offers a description, with data and examples, of the changes in the learning process at the College of Medicine, Hawler Medical University. The response of students and the teaching staff to the new methods, including small group learning, student-centered learning (SCL), problem based learning (PBL), OSCE and other approaches. Future planning to improve learning outcomes at HMU.
