Advance notice of the forthcoming week of CR&DALL Seminars, March 25 to 28, focusing on lifelong learning and learning cities. Collaborative seminars with the Adam Smith Research Institute and with the Scottish School of China Studies are complemented by the first CR&DALL seminar to be held at the Crichton Campus in Dumfries.
Please see the flyer below for early notice of dates and times. Further information on each individual seminar can be viewed in the specific posting (in the Events section) for each seminar.
Professor Dupriez will discuss the core aspects of his recently published article "Social Inequalities of Post-Secondary Educational Aspirations: Influence of Social Background, School Composition and Institutional Context" published in the European Educational Research Journal Volume 11 Number 4 2012 (see below).
Citizens Scotland-Glasgow is a developing alliance of communities – religious institutions, trade unions, educational establishments, charities and community associations – working together for a better Glasgow.
This will be held on Tuesday 12th February in the St Silas’ Church (across from the St Andrew’s Building of Glasgow University) from 2 until 4.30pm.
This is not a CR&DALL event but you may well be interested in attending.
Regina Egetenmeyer: Professor of Lifelong Learning, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany: Approaches towards Professionalisation in Adult Education: Interpretivist versus competency approach.
Mark Murphy: Reader in Education, School of Education, University of Glasgow: The politics of regulation: Exploring bureaucracy and its consequences for public sector professions
The European Commission released on 20th a new Communication entitled 'Rethinking Education' (featured below). Also below subscribers will find the press release from the EC together with a series of other related documents, including an annex on lifelong learning.
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