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Adult Learning in Australia: in what direction is it going?

As the rest of the world struggles with high unemployment in the wake  of the Global Financial Crises, Australia faces the problem of skills  shortages. This is in part fuelled by China¹s increasing appetite for  Australia's natural resources.  Prosperity in Australia has brought its  own problems and successive governments have reduced funding for adult  education. Skills shortages have created a "moral panic" that dismisses  learning that doesn't fill a specific skills shortage as unworthy of  support.

International Sociology of Education Conference

The conference is organised and the speakers personally invited by Professor Len Barton, the Editor of Disability & Society, British Journal of Sociology of Education and Executive Editor of International Studies in Sociology of Education.

The academic peer reviewed journal International Studies in Sociology of Education (now published 4 times a year by Routledge, Taylor and Francis) is based on the conference theme and does contain many of the papers given at the conference as well as from outside sources.

Call for papers - Scientific Bulletin Education Sciences Series 2013

Dear colleagues and collaborators of the Scientific Bulletin – Education Sciences Series, (SBESS Journal) edited by the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Pitesti, Romania.

We are glad to announce you that we managed to publish the 2012 issues of our Journal. We had collaborators from various countries like Romania, Greece, Turkey, France, Poland, Iran, Hong Kong etc.

We are preparing the issues for 2013 and invite you and your colleagues to send a paper that refers to some of your scientific research results in educational field.

Educatia 21

I’m part of the Scientific Committee for the journal  Educatia 21. This journal is produced by the Educational Sciences Department at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca. Romania. The journal is keen to encourage colleagues from European HEIs to contribute papers to Educatia 21 and the latest Issue, No. 11/2013, will have a general approach in  education's sciences. 
