Latest News

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This is a newsletter on adult learning and education in the context of development cooperation - by practitioners and for practitioners especially. It is coming once in a quarter and informs on activities around the globe, and reports on relevant examples and experiences.

Digitalsation affects all facets of society including education, yet there are some important differences of the ways different countries and institutions implement this new technology. In this Special Issue authors discuss not just the technical side of this new development but, more importantly, the ways digitalisation affects research, teaching and learning in Higher Education and other educational settings.

The latest issue of RELA (Volume 15, Number 2) is now available. This open issue features six papers covering a diverse range of topics, including quality in adult education, numeracy education, and education within political parties, among others.

We are very pleased to report the publication of a new book, Academic Freedom in Higher Education - Core Value or Elite Privilege?, co-written by visiting Professor Maria Slowey (an associate of CR&DALL) and Professor Dick Taylor.

We are delighted to let CR&DALL subscribers know about the launch of Sage’s SDG 4: Quality Education collection relating to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4: ‘to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning for all’.
