PASCAL Briefing Paper on Learning Neighbourhoods


We are pleased to post another Briefing Paper from the PASCAL Observatory, number 31 in the series, this time with a focus on Learning Neighbourhoods. It is likely to be of interest to many working in the fields of adult, lifelong and community learning.

Learning Neighbourhoods - why they matter is authored by Michael Osborne, Yulia Nesterova, Michele Schweisfurth, University of Glasgow, Shilpi Roy, University of Khulna and Mario de los Reyos, University of the Philippines. The paper is derived substantially from work undertaken within the Centre for Sustainable Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods, which was in part associated with CR&DALL, and a number of projects initiated by PASCAL. The paper signals PASCAL's intention to offer a number of master-classes based on the work, on topics including:

  • Neighbourhoods – why they maCer? The importance of educa&on and lifelong learning to developing sustainable neighbourhoods
  • What is a learning neighbourhood? Conceptualising learning neighbourhoods for Global South cities
  • How does learning neighbourhood work? Key elements of a learning neighbourhood
  • What we need? Pillars of learning neighbourhoods
  • PracHcal Tools to map the current contribuHon of educaHon/LLL and health at neighbourhood level to provide a baseline for acHons – surveys and focus groups

We will publish details of these once they are available.

Discussion topics: 

CR&DALL Themes: 
