Following the Black Lives Matter protests and campaigns such as ‘Rhodes Must Fall’ which call for the removal of statues of slavers and colonialists, the issue of race, inequality and education has been placed at the centre of educational debate.
Within the School of Education at the University of Glasgow, we are now offering three lectureships that are intended to contribute to delivery of undergraduate and post-graduate programmes and to key areas of our research. The closing date for all posts is August 9. The details of the 3 posts can be found on the University’s website (please see links below.
Join us for the third session of this special three-part series of webinars.
Session 3: Reading comprehension
Reading is about understanding an author’s message. In this session I will discuss why comprehension must always be the target and then go on to share a range of practical approaches that may be used to ensure that readers are ultimately monitoring their own comprehension.
Get your #ALW2021 events registered on the Adult Learners Week website before 6 August 2021 and you will have the chance to win 1 of 20 x $200.00 grants. You can use this money to help you run an event during Adult Learners Week.
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