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Professor Jim Gallacher

Professor Jim Gallacher

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On Saturday 31 October a great Scotsman died. Professor Jim Gallacher, for some four decades, was a driving force in the widening of access to higher education in Scotland, and in fostering the development of research in lifelong learning. He was a close personal friend and colleague of mine for over 30 years, and it is with great sadness that I write this account of his work.

Project Launch | Gendered Journeys: the trajectories of STEM students and graduates through higher education and into employment in India and Rwanda

Project Launch | Gendered Journeys

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This project will investigate how far, and in what ways, gender may have an influence in the progress of students through higher education, graduation and progression into skilled employment in the STEM sector in India and Rwanda. This is important because science has a critical role in supporting global sustainable development that will not be realised unless it makes better use of the potential skills of women and girls.

CR&DALL Themes: 

Cedefop newsletter No 104 - October 2020

Cedefop newsletter No 104 - October 2020

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High investment, high involvement’ workplaces have the best outcomes for workers and employers according to a recent large-scale survey of company practices across Europe. Just 20% of EU organisations fall into this category – bundling practices that increase employee autonomy, facilitate employee voice and promote training and learning.

CR&DALL Themes: 
