A new initiative between the Mastercard Foundation and the Talloires Network of Engaged Universities will create a first-of-its-kind virtual community of university student leaders who are committed to civic engagement and social responsibility.
Thank you to all SHLC teams for completing the RTP2 summary papers, and for your hard work and effort to get them published during Urban October. We encourage all SHLC teams to read each other’s work and share with your own network and colleagues.
The EUCEN Online Open Forum series begins next week. Full programme details are featured below and also available here with the first programme beginning on Monday, 2 November.
Join us for a webinar presented by Dr. Stephen Billett.
As a means of advancing our understandings and practices as adult educators, this webinar explores how adults’ learning can be mediated by the interrelations amongst person + education + community.
You may already have heard about this webinar which BALID and the UEA UNESCO Chair are co-hosting on 18th November. As friends of Brian, we thought you might like to participate and do feel free to invite others too.
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