A lecture to mark the launch of Naomi Eisenstadt's second report to the Scottish Government as Independent Advisor on Poverty and Inequality, focusing on the life chances of young people in Scotland.
The last ESREA Access, Learning Careers and Identity Network Conference in 2015 interrogated the dimension of continuity and discontinuity in learning careers. The 2017 Conference - entitled Exploring Learning Contexts: Implications for Access, Learning Careers and Identities - will shift the focus to the concept of ‘learning contexts’ and how they impact on access, learning careers and identities.
Applications are invited for a part-time fixed-term post of Teaching Fellow in Community Education in the Institute of Education, Community and Society in Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh. The successful candidate will join a small interdisciplinary group of staff undertaking leading research and teaching in the areas of community education, educational sociology, politics and social policy.
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