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Lifelong Learning Inclusion and Pathways Conference, Frankston, 1 May

This event at Frankston City in Victoria, Australia is for practitioners and community members with an interest in lifelong learning, community education, training and community development

It brings together international, national and regional speakers and projects. According to the website, 'this may be the best value conference you’ll ever attend!'

I hope that the speakers can live up to expectations. 

The event will be officially opened by the Nick Wakeling MP,  Minister for Higher Education & Skills.

Istanbul Seminar on Education for Sustainable Development: 'ESD at the Crossroads'

The Learning Teacher Network, in cooperation with the Regional Environment Center (REC) Turkey, welcomes you to an International Seminar on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Istanbul, Turkey on September 26-27, 2014; the title of the seminar is 'ESD at the Crossroads'.

By interactive discussions among the participants the seminar will discuss key issues that bridge the Decade for Education for Sustainable Development to UNESCO’s forthcoming Global Action Programme.

Book Launch - Higher Education in the World 5 - Knowledge, Engagement & Higher Education: Contributing to Social Change

An important publication as part of the GUNi Series on the Social Commitment of Universities, this Palgrave Global University Network for Innovation publication is launched by an eminent group of speakers in a seminar chaired by Professor John Briggs, Vice-Principal (Senate Office), University of Glasgow. Refreshments, discount flyers and an inspection copy will be available at the meeting. All welcome. No fee but prior registration required.
