Here comes the first ESREA newsletter for 2014: In the beginning of February we had the first meeting with the Steering Committee in Milano at Milano Bicocca University.
This is a reminder that there is still time to submit papers and to register for the Learning Cities 2020 Workshop in Tampere, Finland on 12-13 June 2014. You will find the call for papers for this PASCAL workshop entitled Cities learning together - public administration as a domain for smart solutions at this link.
Concerns about men’s attitudes to and involvement in lifelong and life-wide learning have recently emerged in many countries. There is a growing interest in finding ways to increase men’s participation and promote practices that will contribute to men’s learning and wellbeing, particularly in contexts and life stages for men beyond paid work.
We have previously reported some details of ESRC Big Data Phase 2, and in this posting we provide a little more detail the elements that link most directly to the previous work of PASCAL at the University of Glasgow.
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