An important publication as part of the GUNi Series on the Social Commitment of Universities, this Palgrave Global University Network for Innovation publication is launched by an eminent group of speakers in a seminar chaired by Professor John Briggs, Vice-Principal (Senate Office), University of Glasgow. Refreshments, discount flyers and an inspection copy will be available at the meeting. All welcome. No fee but prior registration required.
This new book has been published by the Regional Office of DVV International for the use of colleagues who work towards lifelong learning policies and systems in their countries. Apart from a number of interesting articles there are documents from recent conferences in the region that looked at learning cities, adult education and lifelong learning. It is an extended and translated version of the journal Bildung und Erziehung, 4 / 2013 published by Boehlau Verlag.
This year’s Non-formal Education Conference of the Ministry of Education and Sports was enriched by several expert participants from Asia Pacific countries like Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Korea, Thailand as well as regional organizations like SEAMEO, APUCEN and ASPBAE, and others working with PASCAL and CR&DALL.
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