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VIème FORUM MONDIAL pour les apprentissages tout au long de la vie

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UPDATE: The VIth World Forum has been postponed due to the COVID-19 lockdown, to a date not yet specified.

Le VIème FORUM MONDIAL POUR LES APPRENTISSAGES TOUT AU LONG DE LA VIE est REPORTE au 1er et 2 octobre 2020, cela ne vous surprendra pas. Le reste est inchangé : même lieu, même thème, mêmes ateliers, même options. Voir le site

Call for Chapters: Global Citizenship for Adult Education: Advancing Critical Literacies for Equity and Social Justice

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With an ever increasingly globalized world that depends heavily on technological tools such as the Internet and other accompanying innovations and changes, there are multiple non-traditional literacies required for success.

International Conference to commemorate 50 years of Adult Education in Tanzania

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The School of Education of the University of Dar es Salaam through its Department of Educational Foundations, Management and Lifelong Learning will host an International Conference to commemorate 50 years of Adult Education in Tanzania. The conference will bring together stakeholders of adult education from within and beyond Tanzania to refl ect on its status since its declaration in 1970. The conference marks an important milestone in the roadmap towards reinvigorating the glory of Tanzania in the field of adult education.

Learning in later life: My Taiwanese experience | By Dr Brian Findsen

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Over recent months (September 2019 to January 2020) I have been visiting Taiwan on three occasions, accompanied by my wife, Caterina. On two previous occasions (2013; 2018) I had presented at Later Life Learning conferences (Chiayi; Taipei), as a guest of the Department of Adult & Continuing Education (DACE) at the National Chung Cheng University (CCU). In September/October, October/November and January of this year, I was a visiting scholar at CCU helping with teaching, research and staff development.

CR&DALL Themes: 

AAACE Webinar - Supporting the Academic Success of Black Male Adult Learners in Higher Education

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In higher education scholarship, the plight of Black male collegians is often discussed from a deficit perspective. While data suggests first-time Black male collegians have lower four- and six-year graduation rates than their peers, this data does not capture the Black men who return to college as adult learners and complete their degree.
