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British Adult Educator Remembered

Richard Taylor and Roger Fieldhouse: EP Thompson knew progress was won from below – a fact that the elite would always rather we forget. The Guardian, 31 Dec 2013

Roger Fieldhouse, who has died aged 79 after short illness, was a prominent adult educator in the university sector from 1970 until his retirement in the early 2000s.

He began his career as Tutor-Organiser for the WEA in North Yorkshire in the mid-1960s and rapidly became a successful local history tutor and researcher. (His book on ‘The History of Swaledale’ was the most substantial publication of many in this field.)

The ‘Equality Project: Starting from Home’ is now at the stage of finalising workshops on addressing household inequalities

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The second partner meeting for the Equality Project: Starting from Home (TEP) was hosted by the University of Dar-Es-Salaam (Tanzania) and Dr Amina Kamando between 6th and 11th January 2020.

CR&DALL Themes: 

The People’s Open Access Education Initiative

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In Building public health capacity through online global learning, online global learning is defined as “innovative, integrated, global opportunities for capacity building through online learning and shared experiences between and within Low- to Middle-Income Countries and High-Income Countries, in a continuous process that helps health care workers learn as they progress through their careers”.
