News & Events Archive - News & Events

AAACE 2020 Annual Conference - Call for Proposals

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The American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) is dedicated to the belief that lifelong learning contributes to human fulfillment and positive social change. To that end, we provide leadership for the field of adult and continuing education by expanding opportunities for adult growth and development; unifying adult educators; fostering the development and dissemination of theory, research, information, and best practices; promoting identity and standards for the profession; and advocating relevant public policy and social change initiatives.

Latest news on European research in learning and work - February 2020

In this edition of the L&W Newsletter you should note in particular several calls for proposals relating to international conferences: STE 2000 on Science and Technology Education in Porto, HER 2020 on Higher Education Reform in Glasgow, TAKE 2020 on the Knowledge Economy in Stuttgart, BCES 2020 on Comparative Education in Sofia (see Conferences), EAPRIL 2020 in Kufstein, the VETNET conference Crossing Boundaries in Muttenz/Basel, #LearnOrg2020 in Grimstad, UFHRD 2020 in Budapest and the EDO congress in Barcelona (see Networks and Organisations); also calls for papers for the special issues on the Economics of VET and on Health Knowledge Management (see Publications) and the call for applications for a PhD position at SFIVET (see Networks and Organisations). And not to overlook: the new Céreq website in English (see Networks and Organisations)!

CR&DALL Themes: 

Cedefop newsletter No 96 - January 2020

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Speaking to the members of the European Parliament’s EMPL Committee on 28 January in Brussels, Cedefop Executive Director Jürgen Siebel urged the MEPs and experts present to think about sending their children to vocational education and training (VET). It’s the first choice, he said. Read about this, together with other Cedefop activities, in their latest newsletter:
