The AoC College HE Research and Scholarship Conferences 2020 will now take place online

2-5 Stedham Place
United Kingdom
Thursday, 14 May, 2020 - 00:00 to Tuesday, 19 May, 2020 - 00:00

The AoC College HE Research and Scholarship Conferences will be taking place in May 2020. The conferences will highlight scholarship and research in the college HE sector and aim to bring together researchers and teachers within college HE. There will also be an update on developments since the introduction of the Scholarship Framework. Anyone with an interest in college higher education is invited to attend.

The conferences will take place over four days under the following themes. You are welcome to book to attend any of the conferences.

The programme can be found by clicking the following links:

14 May - 10am - 1.20pm - Enhancing Classroom Practice
15 May - 10am - 1.40pm - Enhancing Student Engagement
18 May - 10am - 1.40pm - Enhancing Institutional Practice
19 May - 10am - 12.30pm - New Research and Innovation

To book your free place, please register now

Keynote speakers include:

John Lea, College HE Scholarship Director, Association of Colleges

Paul Kessell-Holland, Director of Insights, Education and Training Foundation

Dr Nicola Watchman Smith, Head of Academic Apprenticeships and Teaching Excellence Awards, Advance HE.

Dan Amin, Fellowship and Awards Adviser, Advance HE

Here’s what previous delegates have said:

“The AoC Scholarship conference is an engaging annual event, a testament to the breadth and variety of current scholarship in college-based Higher Education.”

“This was an impressive, informative and well organised conference with plenty of opportunities for networking and exploring common issues and potential solutions. I left feeling positively inspired, optimistic and armed with some valuable initiatives and intentions.”

“The conference enabled me to pull all my ideas together about how to deliver the most modern university level courses.”



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