We were delighted to be able to host Professor Bruce Wilson, Director of the EU Centre at RMIT in Melbourne, and honorary professor in the School of Education at the University of Glasgow on 29 May 2018 to present a seminar concerning the role of the EU in the implementation of the SDGs in Asia. Bruce was able to provide a detailed insight into the role of the EU as a global leader in international development (both its commitments and the challenges in achieving these), and in particular the mechanisms by which it operates.
We are very pleased to report that Douglas Sutherland, who graduated with a PhD in Adult Education within the School of Education in 2015 under the supervision of Lesley Doyle and Mike Osborne has been appointed a Lecturer in Adult Education with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.
Welcome to the may 2018 issue of the Scholarship Project newsletter including latest news and updates - aiming to support the development and embedding of a distinct scholarly ethos in the college HE sector.
November 2019 will mark an important educational centenary: the publication of the Ministry of Reconstruction’s Final Report on Adult Education. The report, largely authored by R.H. Tawney, set the groundwork for liberal adult education in Britain for the rest of the 20th century. Its centenary is, we believe, a vital opportunity to reflect on the needs and possibilities for adult education today.
Preparations are well underway for SCUTREA’s Annual Conference 2017/18 at the University of Sheffield from 17-19 July, and we are looking forward to welcoming you. In the meantime, we would like to start the process of organising our annual conference for July 2019. We therefore invite you to send in an Expression of Interest.
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