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New call for papers from RELA - Active ageing, social inclusion and wellbeing: Benefits of learning in later life

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Please find featured below and attached a new call for papers from The European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults (RELA): Active ageing, social inclusion and wellbeing: Benefits of learning in later life.

Free Seminar: The Efforts to Improve Basic Education and Access in Lao PDR + Launch of EU Centre Jean Monnet Network on the EU’s Role in the Implementation of the SDGs in Asia Pacific

You are invited to this seminar and launch of EU Centre Jean Monnet Network on the EU’s Role in the Implementation of the SDGs in Asia Pacific, Monday 23 July 2018. The Efforts to Improve Basic Education and Access in Lao PDR: the case of the Basic Education Quality and Access program (BEQUAL).
