NEXUS May - August 2018 - the Newsletter of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL)


Please find featured below the latest issue of Nexus, the quarterly newsletter of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL).

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In Focus
International Literacy Day
8 September was International Literacy Day. Despite advancements in the global literacy agenda, much remains to be done as 750 million adults still lack basic reading and writing skills. UIL is committed to advancing the literacy agenda, on Literacy Day and on every other day: Read about the freshly launched ‘Hamburg Education Talks’, the first of which took place on 6 September on the theme ‘Illiteracy in Hamburg – Does it really exist?’. Learn about the UNESCO – Microsoft Project ‘Advancing Mobile Literacy Learning’ and explore interesting case studies on literacy in relation to the reintegration of prisoners, poverty reduction, civic participation and improved well-being in UIL’s Effective Literacy and Numeracy Practices Database and other projects.
2019 Global Report on Adult Learning and Education will focus on participation

The fourth Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE 4) is in preparation and is scheduled for publication in 2019. GRALE 4 will provide a comprehensive update of the progress being made in and state of the art of ALE worldwide, with a focus on participation. Read more.

Just launched: Research partnership on lifelong learning for ethnic minorities. The research will focus on government policies and innovative practices in providing basic formal and non-formal education for ethnic minority groups in countries along the Mekong River. The findings will be published in 2019, to coincide with the International Year of Indigenous Languages.
Special issue sheds light on learning cities’ governance. Learning cities worldwide are demonstrating diverse and inspiring ways of engaging a wide range of partners in assuring that the learning journeys of their citizens meet their needs and last throughout life. This special issue provides exciting insights into how learning cities approach governance and partnerships.
Underway: Handbook on Lifelong Learning. An international team of specialists in the field of lifelong learning has been formed to jointly create a practice-oriented handbook that seeks to guide the planning and implementation of national lifelong learning policies. The handbook is scheduled for publication in 2019. 
The application process for the UNESCO Learning City Award 2019 is now open. This award recognizes the commitment and efforts made at local level to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 4 on education and lifelong learning. To apply for the Award, cities must submit their applications no later than 30 September 2018.
Annual Report 2017
Available in
Pathways to empowernment: Recognizing the competences of Syrian refugees in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey
Available in
Promoting lifelong learning for all: The experience of Ethiopia, Kenya, Namibia, Rwanda and the United Republic of Tanzania
Available in
Communities in Action – Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development
IRE special issue on Nordic-Baltic cooperation in the field of adult education 1991–2004
Available in
Minister of State at the German Federal Foreign Office, Niels Annen, visited the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) on 4 September to discuss current and future projects and collaboration. 
UIL has been running for ‘Lifelong learning for all’. While the day-to-day work of the Institute involves communities all over the world, a local relay run has been an occasion for UIL to engage and share the vision for ‘Lifelong learning for all’ with the local Hamburg public.
Upcoming cooperation with the University of Würzburg on joint activities with the Comparative Studies on Adult Education and Lifelong Learning (COMPALL) Programme.
Suwon engages beyond its city borders. A delegation from Suwon City paid a visit to the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) to discuss how the city can engage in strengthening the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities and its activities.
The first piece of a series on UIL Fellow's Success Stories has been published: Nadia Salama Hashem Hassan and her contribution to implement new national quality standards for Adult Education and Learning in Egypt.
Copyright © 2018 UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), All rights reserved.


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