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Seminar - Revisiting adult education: the challenge of change 40 years on - Edinburgh

An event for practitioners, policy makers and others interested in the future of adult education in Edinburgh.

Adult Education: The Challenge of Change – often referred to as the Alexander Report – was the foundational document for the development across Scotland of Community Education Services. Forty years on is perhaps an apt time to take stock of what it achieved for adult education, and its legacy.

CR&DALL Themes: 

10ème Séminaire du CMA - 17-18 Mars 2016 - CNAM

Le « Groupe Reconnaissance » du CMA, piloté par Anny Piau, regroupe Jean Pierre Boutinet, Claire Héber-Suffrin, Pierre Landry, Bernard Liétard et Gaston. Pineau. Il organise ces deux journées de rencontres durant lesquelles de nombreux experts vont tenter individuellement et collectivement avec les participants de mettre à jour les différents processus mis en oeuvre selon le déroulé suivant.

Intergenerational Workplace Learning: Who learns what? - ESRALE Course of Lectures, Sixth Session

This is an online event

The importance of intergenerational learning has recently been emphasized by many factors: population ageing, increasing chances of healthy old age, and prolonged job careers create opportunities for several generations meeting in the workplace; knowledge in its turn economy increases the need for creating, expanding and sharing knowledge; etc.

CR&DALL Themes: 
