Open University Widening Participation Conference - Countdown to registration close!


The deadline for delegate registrations is nearly up on Friday 25th March.  The draft programme is now available on the conference website where you can find all information regarding times, presentations and speakers by following this link. To summarise the conference is on 27th-28th April and will be exploring HE: Transforming lives through life-wide learning? at Jury’s Inn Milton Keynes.

We offer various booking options, including  two-day packages and day delegate rates. Please note invoiced payments take slightly longer to process, so if this is your preferred method of payment, please do not delay your booking. 

If you would like to attend please fill out the delegate registration form which can be downloaded from the conference website by following this link. Please send registration forms back to [email protected] as soon as possible to ensure there is a place for you at the conference.

For further information, please contact Annie Hitchman at:  [email protected]

Best wishes,



Lucy Bate MSc
Universities Association for Lifelong Learning


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