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Webinar Series - LLLH: Enacting the Yeonsu Declaration for Learning Cities

Webinar Series - LLLH: Enacting the Yeonsu Declaration for Learning Cities

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As part of our series aimed at developing a roadmap for the enactment of the Yeonsu Declaration for Learning Cities, adopted at the fifth International Conference on Learning Cities (ICLC 5) in October 2021, the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) and the UNESCO Chair on Global Health and Education invite you to the first webinar of our webinar series entitled ‘Lifelong Learning for health: Enacting the Yeonsu Declaration for Learning Cities’ which will take place on Wednesday, 1 June 2022, and to participate in a unique opportunity to engage in Lifelong Learning for Health (LLLH) policy discussions on an international and multi-sectoral platform.

National LLL Policies and Learning Cities: ASEM LLL Hub Research Network 4

National LLL Policies and Learning Cities: ASEM LLL Hub Research Network 4

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Much of the discussion pertaining to the development of learning cities has focused on the role of city administrations themselves rather than on national policies in lifelong learning (see for example Osborne and Hernandez 2021 and Osborne, Nestervova and Bhandari 2021).

At first glance this may not seem surprising given the competence that local and regional governments (LRGs) have in relation to education, as summarised in this extract from a recent OECD/UCLG (2019) report.

Professor Dénes Koltai passed away

Professor Dénes Koltai

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The former Dean and Vice-Rector of the University of Pécs in Hungary died much too early in his 75th year after a distinguished academic career and beyond. His early interest was community development in rural and urban areas and he enjoyed teaching and research for a small department in the University. He then realized that with the system change around the 1990s the professional training of those working in cultural houses, in the emerging civil society sector, folk high schools and related areas would be in need of new knowledge and skills, attitudes and values.
