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Freire’s life and work | Special edition of AJAL

Freire’s life and work | Special edition of AJAL

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It is the centenary of Paulo Freire’s birth and over fifty years since the publication of his most famous work Pedagogy of the Oppressed in English. In this Special Edition of the Australian Journal of Adult Learning (AJAL) we want to mark his extraordinary contribution as an educator, thinker and activist and to celebrate and critically reflect on his work and his legacy.

UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning Bulletin, December 2021

UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning Bulletin, December 2021

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As 2021 comes to a close, I wish to thank all of you for the interest you have shown and the actions you have taken to promote lifelong learning. I would also like to thank the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning’s global partners for their productive alliances over the past 12 months. Together, we have found strong solutions to reinforcing the provision of lifelong learning opportunities for all, despite the challenging environment of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 

Adult Learning and Education Newsletter from DVV International Ukraine

Adult Learning and Education Newsletter from DVV International Ukraine

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DVV International Ukraine Office is pleased to inform you about the launch of a newsletter which includes information about adult education for practitioners in this field. This issue introduces the Council Resolution on a new European Agenda for Adult Learning 2021-2030, a visit of DVV International Director Christoph Jost to the Ukraine, updates of the project 'Soviet past: Rethinking the History', and a panel discussion on well-being in learning. 

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