We shall be launching our National Learning Assessment Report, illuminating Covid-19 learning losses and gains in Uganda on Tuesday 18th January 2022, from 3:00-5:00pm (EAT). The event is open to the public and the global community.
There is an urgent need to address the structural and everyday racism that exists in education systems across the world. Black, Indigenous and minority ethnic children are being systematically failed by schooling systems. Curriculum often fails to represent and affirm the diversity of language and culture. School practices can reproduce rather than challenge racial hierarchies. The inequitable financing and marketisation of school systems entrench racialised segregation and exclusion.
Postcolonial Directions in Education is a peer reviewed open access journal produced twice a year. It is a scholarly journal intended to foster further understanding, advancement and reshaping of the field of postcolonial education. We welcome articles that contribute to advancing the field.
The Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (SCUTREA) and the Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL) are holding a joint conference on June 6th- 9th 2022 hosted by the University of Glasgow’s Centre for Research & Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CR&DALL).
We are saddened that the present AEQ editors, Ellen Boeren, Kevin Roessger,and Liz Roumell will be stepping down at the end of their term. We extend our deep thanks for the wonderful job they have done with the journal. We are now looking for the next set of editors.
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