We have great pleasure in announcing the opening of the UNESCO Chair Online Seminar Series 2021 organised by Professor John Chi-Kin LEE, UNESCO Chair in Regional Education Development and Lifelong Learning at The Education University of Hong Kong. We sincerely invite you to join the first seminar on “LEARNING TO BECOME: IMPLICATIONS FOR ASIAN SOCIETIES” which is now open for registration!
Jörg Markowitsch (VET researcher) and Konrad Wakolbinger (documentary film maker) have recently launched Work-o-Witch, an innovative resource in the field of work and education which came into being during the course of the pandemic.
Call for Keynote Speaker Proposals for the XX Jubilee BCES Annual International Conference, Towards the Next Epoch of Education, 21 - 24 June 2022, virtually.
The Centre for Sustainable Healthy Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods (SHLC) is delighted to announce that it is collaborating with the Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF) in delivering the 23rd ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU23) on the topic of “Liveable Cities for a Sustainable Future” in Bangladesh, India & Pakistan during October & November 2021.
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