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School of Education 2021 Webinar Series Report – Migration and Refugee Education

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Dr Muir Houston, Deputy Director of CR&DALL opened the webinar, and provided an overview of logistics for the 80+ delegates and panellists. Professor Michael Osborne, Director of Research in the School of Education introduced the webinar and explained that the school had a longstanding and sustained strand of work deriving from language education, and the use of the arts in awareness raising for refugee integration and migration that has grown out of work undertaken over 20 years co-ordinated by Professor Alison Phipps.

CR&DALL Themes: 

ALA online forum | Building futures – The transformative impact of literacy and learning programs for prisoners and former prisoners

ALA online forum | Building futures

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This ALA online forum aims to provide a glimpse into the critical role of Language, Literacy, and Numeracy education in the criminal justice system. We bring together experts and good practice programs from around Australia to demonstrate how effective programs can change the lives of current and former prisoners.

CR&DALL Themes: 

Celebrating Social Justice Research in Education - Ethics, Religion and Values in Education: 17 March 2021 from 1200-1330 GMT

Celebrating Social Justice Research in Education - Ethics, Religion and Values in Education

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In this final webinar of the School of Education at the University of Glasgow’s webinar series, Celebrating Social Justice Research in Education, we focus on Ethics, Religion and Values. The research presented will relate to the history of ideas, metatheory, principled scholarship, and theory building applied to contemporary issues of social justice and underpins the School’s approach to innovative and cross-disciplinary pedagogies.
